Here you will learn about Louis Joliet (aka Louis Jolliet) a Canadian explorer. You will also learn about his major voyages of discovery and exploration. Not only that but, even some interesting facts and information about Louis Joliet. He was born in Quebec,Canada on September 21, 1645 and was put to rest in May of the year 1700. etc.

                               Louis Joliet
Louis Joliet was a Canadian explorer. He was the son of a wagon maker. Joliet was well educated at a Jesuit school. It  was located in Quebec. He was famous for exploring the Great Lakes area and discovering the Mississippi River. Louis Joliet had a adventourous spirit and always wanted to just explore and expore.
Between he years of 1669-1671 Louis tried copper mining. When Joliet explored the Mississippi River he met many different tribes (Indians). He found out that the Mississippi River did not run to the Pacific Ocean. But, it did flow into the Gulf of Maxico.Louis Joliet's expeditionreached Lake Michigan. Then Joliet ent on to Quebec.
Did you know that Louis paddled a toatl of 2500 miles in his exploration of the Mississippi. He was consulted in the governer's plans to colonise the area of the; Mississippi River when he reported his exploration to the Governer "Louis De Buade Frantenae". He was granted the Island of Anticosti. This was a reward for the discovering of the Mississippi River. He built a fort of the Anticosti Island. Louis was appointed royal hydrographer in the year of 1693.
Louis Joliet had made another expedition. That was exploring the coast of Labrador. Then after that he visited the Eskimos. Louis Joliet was one of the first Europeans to follow the course of the Mississippi River. Joliet searched together with Jacques Marquette. Marquette was a Catholic explorer.
Louis Joliet also traded with Indians. He was a great map maker at the same time he explored the Great Lakes region. then he also worked as a fur trader. Joliet was named the leader of an expedition to the northern part of the Mississippi River. Although he wanted to be the Chaplain of the group.
Louis Joliet was a famous Canadian explorer. He discovered thhe water of the Mississippi River. He was weell educated. Joliet was the son of a wagon maker. He also traded with Indians. He had an adventourous spirit.
Maliakah Reaves                                            Group D
Ms.Owens/Social Studies                     
Grade 6 AEP                                      Homeroom: 220

Brief Biography of the life of Louis Joliet-Canadian Explorer 


  • Lifespan-1645-1700
  • Career-Canadian Explorer
  • Family-Son of wagon maker
  • Famous for:exploring the Great Lakes area & discovering the Mississippi River
  • Nationality-Canadian

 Above here is a photo of the Great Lakes map.

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